International Living

Thinking of retiring or moving overseas? It’s a huge step, but one that has been successfully negotiated by many expats searching for mild climates, lower costs, and simple changes of pace and cultural experiences.
The editors of International Living have compiled a list of five good-value countries that currently accept American travelers — and might make good retirement havens to boot. They also suggest specific locations/cities that welcome retirees.
Of course, it’s wise to do a number of scouting expeditions first. If you’re serious about relocating, they’re a must. But even if you’re “just browsing” and not buying, you’ll at least have a chance for a nice vacation.
As the editors stress, the current COVID situation is volatile and situations can change, so before buying your tickets be sure to check the websites of the U.S. State Department and the other countries’… Continue reading

With the U.S. presidential election nearing and emotions running high, it seems a good time to start plotting a possible escape abroad if your candidate loses.
So as a public service, I’m running this piece from the editors of International Living, a publication that has provided ex-pats and would-be expats both inspiration and solid practical information for decades.
They call it their “Election Escape Plan,” but it contains some good timeless advice.
“While travel may be restricted currently,” they write, “this is a smart time to begin laying the groundwork for a smooth transition to a better, less-expensive life overseas.”
And they offer this additional suggestion: “Consider making a move in smaller steps. Think about a three-month escape or a year-long getaway. Come at this idea with a ‘one-step-at-a-time’ attitude… Continue reading