Medigap plans

Just what does Medicare cover when you travel?
Today’s guest post examines an important topic: For those U.S. baby boomer travelers on Medicare, just exactly what kind of coverage can you expect when you’re on a trip, whether it’s in the U.S. or abroad?
Medicare expert Danielle Roberts says that all depends on where you’re going and what you’ve signed up for. Here’s her analysis:
By Danielle K Roberts
Whether you travel within the United States or to other countries, it’s important to know when Medicare travels with you and when it doesn’t.
Here are the key questions to ask yourself before setting off:
Are you going to another country?
How far outside the United States are you traveling?
Are you traveling from state to state?
Do you only have Original Medicare?
If not, what kind of Medicare plan do you have?
If you know the answers to… Continue reading